Parent Bulletin 2024-2025 » Nestle News (September 09, 2024) Weekly Parent Bulletin

Nestle News (September 09, 2024) Weekly Parent Bulletin

Greetings Nestle Neutrons, I hope you're having an enjoyable weekend despite the heat.  We have been taking precautions during the excessive heat.  During this time, the school follows an Inclement Weather schedule where students remain inside for lunch and depending on the temperatures, for recess as well.  In order to make our students as comfortable as possible, please have them dress in light comfortable clothing.  Also please have them bring water bottles with them to school. Also parents please donate cases of water to your child's class. Thank you to the PTA for supplying popsicles to all of our students on Friday.  This Friday, we will have PICTURE DAY!!, so please dress accordingly. Our PTA contest and fundraiser has begun.  Please see the attached PTA newsletter for contest details.. Have a great week everyone.